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It is a fat soluble vitamin. It is mainly found in your fruits and vegetables- like carrot, papaya, mango, animal fats- like milk, butter and liver, eggs.

Vitamin ‘A’ is required for the normal growth and development of the activity of soeat glands. It also prevents keratin deposition in the epithelia. Thus if the skin healthy, glowing and soft. Vitamin ‘A’ in the body forms the visual pigments rhodopsin and iodopsin. Thus it plays and important role in maintaining proper vision.
Deficiency Desisses

  1. Night blindness – Falior of  the normal regeneration of visual purple after its light induce that is on exposer in light one is not able to see clearly in the dim light or darkness.
  2. Xeophthalmia –This increases the chances of bacterial infection and eventually leads to blindness.
  3. Dermatosis – Dry and scaly skin.
  4. Retard growth of the body.


  1. For adult 600 mcg.
  2. For infant 350 mcg.


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